We all know we need to blog on a regular basis, but sometimes the ideas just don’t flow. What can you do to spark the ideas and get your creative juices flowing?
- Talk to your clients and customers. These are the people/businesses you are trying to reach and solve problems for. Sometimes you have to step out of the box and walk in their shoes. If you ask your customers what they want to know about your business, you have a place to start.
- Keep up on trends and latest releases. You know your business best, it’s up to you to make sure your customers know what’s new in your field or line. Don’t let your competitors be the first one to fill your clients in. You will be the expert.
- Learn from bad reviews and negative comments. If one of your customers has a problem with your sales or service use your blog to explain the steps you’re taking to improve. Make sure you address the complaint first with the unhappy customer but then publicly address the measures you’re taking to be better.
- Take a break. Take a walk – breath fresh air – clear your head. Sometimes getting away from the computer and looking at your blog with fresh eyes is enough to generate ideas to write about.
- Hire someone to write your blog. Most reputable website design companies have writers on staff. Design Interventions has writers to write the content for websites, newsletters, blogs and any promotional materials you may need. Give us a call 910 200-3367 to let us know how we can free up your time so you can spend more time running your business and less time with writers block.