So, you have decided to build a website. How do you choose a name and how do you get the name?
If you have a brick and mortar business try to get as close to that business name as possible, so the website and the business are seamless. If your business is virtual start by brainstorming. Write down anything you can think of that pertains to your business. There’s a useful tool for looking at word combinations is It combines keywords to create catchy combinations. It also lets you know if the domain is available. Sedo is also a good place to search keywords. Sometimes you can find the perfect name.
My rule of thumb for choosing domains are: they must be easy to spell, easy to say, and .com (no .net, .us, etc.) domains.
Once you have decided on a name go to and type it in. If you’re happy with the name, buy it.
If you decide on a name and it’s taken will help you find the owner. Once you contact the owner inform them you’re interested in the name. Don’t give a price. This is a negotiation, let them suggest a price and you haggle from there. GoDaddy takes a commission.
Next step is finding a host.