Your Customers Want to Know – Right Now
During COVID-19, you’re customers are more than ever using your website and social media to make decisions on whether or not to choose you. Make sure it’s easy to know what’s going on behind your doors. If you are making changes because of the virus be sure to post, publish and share.
If you’re thinking about taping a sign to your door – you should be sharing that information online.
If you are offering things like:
- delivery
- special ways to pick up without coming in
- different ways to order
- different services you’ve created
- different products you’re offering
- what’s in stock
- what’s out of stock
- if your hours change
- ways you’re keeping things clean and sanitized
Make sure your customers know. You cannot over-communicate.
Whatever questions you’re asked most often on the phone should be communicated online. Design Interventions is happy to help with any of your online marketing needs.