People are interested in getting more business from their websites. That can be done in many important ways and most of them are what you’re looking for when you Google website design. Here are some of the top things you’re Googling about website design.
- How do I get to page one on Google? There are a series of steps that you have to go through when you design your website and after it’s launched. First of all the site has to be full of good strong pertinent content – in other words – words that are written for humans. Those words have to tell Google over and over again what your website is about. Content has to be updated regularly. You must submit your website to Google. Make sure the site is optimized for phones and tablets. Emphasize your location, for example you might say: Donut shop Wilmington, or website design Wilmington, NC, or surfshop near Wrightsville Beach.
- How do I make my own website? This is a very common inquiry and a very common mistake. You have a business to run, you don’t need to waste your time learning a new trade. Those of us in the website design business have earned our chops. We have helped businesses grow and make more money because we know the ins and outs of website design. You could ponder for hours over what font or color to use, we create the feel of the site depending you your target audience. All you have to do is proof it and give it the OK.
- What types of websites are there? There are many different kinds of websites, you need to choose the one that’s right for your business or project.
If you’re selling on line, you’ll need an e-commerce site. This will include a shopping cart, check-out, POS system (or some kind of payment service) to take credit cards, a payment gateway and an SSL certificate to encode the CC, call to action to buy now or check out.
If you’re educating through your website, you’ll need an informative website. An informative site educates your readers. These are great if you’re not planning to sell anything. You may have done research on a project that you want to share, you may be nurturing a baby bird back to life and want to document this event, you may have a family archive of photos that you want to share, each example is one that does not need to draw the reader to do anything but read or view your content. Your call to action may be as simple as contact me for more info.
If you’re providing a service or product, this is the website style for most businesses. You have a product or service to sell and you want potential customers to be enticed to take an action that will lead them to you. There are many elements necessary in this type of website. Just like in a sales call your first priority is to instill like and trust. This can be done through images of you, your staff or happy customers using your product or service. This can also be done with the text that you write. You need to write to solve your customers problems. You might sell vacuum cleaners, instead of stating how much dirt they can pick up you need to let you prospect know how much time they will have to do things other than vacuum. The other necessary components in this type of website is a call to action to buy, call, come in, sign up – whatever action you want them to take. - Do I need testimonials in my website? Yes you do. Testimonials help shoppers realize they are not the alone in their purchase. They reinforce the decision to buy. It’s as if they’re whispering in the prospects ear, “these guys are OK.”
- Do I need case studies in my website? Yes you do. Case studies are a way to sell without selling. The case study states the facts of a sale. Why they bought from you, what the needs were and how specifically you solved their problems. Case studies are all facts, but they let the prospect know the problems you are able to solve.
- What about videos? Videos are very important. An explainer video goes a long way to simplify a complicated process or procedure and make it easy for your prospect to understand. Videos of you are also important. People like to work with people. If you are connecting with humans, it’s good to connect via video.
- Do I need custom photos on my website? Yes you do. You need good custom photos. Prospects can see through clip-art images. They know that the people in the clip-art images are not real. With clip-art, the same person on your pest control website could be on a dental billboard. If you have custom photos, it shows your real workers in the area, working with real people. It instills trust in your company and your products or services.
- Can I use pictures from my phone on the website? Not a great idea to use photos from your phone. You can get away with it on some of the smaller images, but remember you are selling the products and services of your business. You wouldn’t go on a sales call with a wrinkled shirt, why would you present your business in a snapshot? This isn’t the place to trip over dollars chasing pennies.
- What’s a call to action and do I need one? A call to action is a link or button that gets prospects to the next phase of their buying, choosing, signing-up process. It may say; buy now, pay here, continue reading, be a part of our tribe, sign up, read more, let us know, contact us. A CTA (call to action) is a necessary component to a website. Your prospects want to be lead, like reading a map, to the next step, and you want to make it easy for them to get there.
- Is it important to show my location? Yes it’s important. Google wants to know where your business is so that it can recommend your business to people who are the closest to you.
If you need help with any of these aspects of your website, give us a call at 910 200-3367 or contact through